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the four moons initiative cideramese monster object bestiary
the four moons initiative cideramese monster object bestiary
the four moons initiative cideramese monster object bestiary

Object Phyla

Salus is populated by many creatures, including humans, anthros, dragons, and cryptids. but the dominant species on the planet are objects.


There are four different phyla of objects.


Normal, Monster, Dragon, and Tsukumogami.


Just your everyday object. They have no animal features. About as simple as you can get.



Objects with animal features. These objects can have claws, fangs, fur, scales, etc. They can act animalistic as well. Monster objects tend to have very specific diets.



Because of the magic they are made of, they are separate from the Monster phylum. They are generally like monster objects, but have the features of mythical beasts, and are made up of dragon magic. Dragon Objects, along with Pure Dragons, can only be found within WyrmRoost, the dragon sanctuary.



Tsukumogami are inanimate objects that gain sentience after 100 years. However, objects can only become Tsukumogami if the 100th anniversary of their day of creation happens to be during an eclipse, whether it be solar or lunar. The type of eclipse determines whether the resulting Tsukumogami is a Monster or Normal. Normal Tsukumogami appear under a lunar eclipse, while Monster Tsukumogami appear under a solar eclipse.

Besides not having blood families, Tsukumogami do not need to eat to stay alive. This commonly results in Tsukumogami not having real facial features. Examples can be a bowling ball, with the eyes and mouth being the bowling ball holes. Or a donut, the donut hole acting as the mouth. 

A final key feature of Tsukumogami is their ability to transform between a sapient form and an inanimate form.

the four moons initiative cideramese monster object bestiary
the four moons initiative cideramese monster object bestiary
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