The Four Moons Initiative is a worldbuilding project started in 2017, while I, CiderAmese, started drawing monster objects in 2014. It is not based off of any other comic in the OSC. Please do not compare my work to any other work in the OSC. This is separate from any other OSC project.
This is my own artstyle that I have been developing for almost a decade. I politely ask that you do not discredit my hard work.
Comparing one artist's work to another is not a compliment. It is incredibly rude and demotivating.
The Four Moons Initiative is an object show comic and is a prequel to the (currently unreleased) object show, Objects of Planet Salus, created by CiderAmese, taking inspiration from many different franchises, such as BFDI, Paper Puppets Take 2, SCPs, Wings of Fire, Fablehaven, Touhou Project, House of Leaves, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, and TrixyBlox's Ultimate Survival World!
This world is made of magic. Objects are full of magic.
The number of full moons they are born or hatched under determines how they can harness their power, with more full moons meaning more power. Four full moons is said to give one godlike powers.
The four moons are full for the first time in thousands of years. Tonight is The Brightest Night.
The Keepers of the Full Moon seek to prevent objects from gaining this power, out of fear of them destroying the world. They have started their worldwide assault...

The website layout was inspired by Objectified's site layout, as well as panelling, posing, and sequences for Nothing to Lose ch1. The old Nothing to Lose cover used The Wolf as a reference. Beyond that, none of this has anything to do with Objectified. Lore, worldbuilding, stories, and designs are all original content from me dating back to 2017 or even earlier. Any similarities are a coincidence.
The Children of the Night are inspired by Undertale amalgams, Paper Puppet Take 2, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream, House of Leaves, and SCPs, primarily SCP-001 When Day Breaks and SCP-610 The Flesh That Hates, but surprisingly has nothing to do with SCP-1000. In fact, their name comes from the song Turn The Lights Off, where "children of the night" are mentioned. The idea of a lab full of body horror objects came from Paper Puppets Take 2, specifically the Blue Nightmares. Designs were inspired by Undertale amalgams and the mentioned SCPs. Oldest Children of the Night content is here.
The title, The Four Moons Initiative, is an SCP reference in itself, based off of one of my favourite SCP stories, Three Moons Initiative. The Four Moons Initiative is a story, while Three Moons Initiative is a society.
WyrmRoost, the dragon sanctuary, is from the book series Fablehaven, where much of this comic's inspiration comes from.
Tsukumogami, kappa, naga, tengu, oni, and yamawaro are all types of yokai from Japanese folklore. A lot of TFMI has inspirations from Japanese, Chinese, and Korean culture and folklore.
The Black Moon is from the SCP universe as well. In the SCP universe, people only respond to the Black Moon if they are infected by a memetic of some kind. In the TFMI universe, everyone responds to the Black Moon, and their responses change based on their emotions and intentions.
Titan's Nest, Ticket's home town, was inspired by the Human Village mechanic in Touhou Project.
The Moons mechanic is based off of the nightwing moon mechanic in Wings of Fire.
The naming system of the weaponi is based off of the naming systems for nightwings from Wings of Fire, as well as Warriors (the cats).